OCT 01 2019
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OCT 01 2019
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Second part charter for power station departs

FTL receintly loaded second stage charter to NZ. The shipment included 130 tonne vaporizer 21.5 x 3.775 x 3.82 and 4 x  90 tonne preheaters 20.5 x 2.7 x 2.9 each. along with turbines / tanks and misc items for construction.

FTL receintly loaded second stage charter to NZ. The shipment included 130 tonne vaporizer 21.5 x 3.775 x 3.82 and 4 x  90 tonne preheaters 20.5 x 2.7 x 2.9 each. along with turbines / tanks and misc items for construction.

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