This is a continuation of a project which has encountered ongoing changes. The shipment comprised of 10 gensets at 438 tonnes / 1893 M3. The gensets were delivered to the port of Bremerhaven and loaded and secured onto MAFI trailers for shipping to Fremantle / Brisbane. The scope included inland transport, permits pilots, unloading at port, securing & shipping to two Australian ports where the cargo will delivered to site.
This is a continuation of a project which has encountered ongoing changes. The shipment comprised of 10 gensets at 438 tonnes / 1893 M3. The gensets were delivered to the port of Bremerhaven and loaded and secured onto MAFI trailers for shipping to Fremantle / Brisbane. The scope included inland transport, permits pilots, unloading at port, securing & shipping to two Australian ports where the cargo will delivered to site.